Our destination! You can read more about why we came to Magee Marsh at Two Talons Up. In short, the southeastern shoreline of Lake Erie attracts thousands upon thousands of migrating warblers, most headed up from Latin and South America, and the Bahamas. They rest and refuel at Magee and surrounding areas before heading into Canada and their breeding grounds.
Each year there is a festival put on by the Black Swamp Bird Observatory, Ohio DNR, and Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge. It is called the Biggest Week in American Birding.
We camped at Maumee Bay State Park for 5 nights, 20 miles west of Magee, and each day explored nearby birding “hotspots”, especially Magee Marsh and Ottawa NWR.
The frequent rain and cool temperatures did not slow us down, much. We just kept an eye on the radar and went where and when the rain was not.
Magee Marsh has a LONG (about 1 mile) boardwalk through the swamp, and as you can see in the photo, there were lots of people on it. Everyone was so polite and considerate of others. Depending on environmental conditions, the warblers can sometimes be very low and close.
We can’t wait for next year to return for another walk on the boardwalk of Magee Marsh.