My Audio Big Year 2017
January 10, 2017
It’s not that I am tired of looking at birds, I love bird watching, but about 50% of bird watching is listening. I am excited to now fully address my audiology skills of birding by recording as many North Carolina birds as possible in 2017. Call it an Audio Big Year if you will, I just want to explore the science of bird sounds, observe and learn, and share what I find.
For my recording equipment, I chose, for now, a simple device, the Tascam DR-05.
I researched the iPhone microphones in the hope of not having to carry more stuff on birding trips, but they came up a little short on quality and were high priced compared to the Tascom, a device designed for sound recording.
Time, results and your feedback will decide my next equipment purchase.
For software, I am starting out using Audacity, a free program recommended by other bird sound recorders. Again, seems a good place to start.
I am uploading my sounds to XENO-CANTO, eBird and here at Two Talons Up. The sonograms are best viewed at eBird.
Headed outside………………
April 2017 Update
I just might be getting the hang of this after spending a few days on the coast. It is amazing how much background noise there is, everywhere. Slowly, I am learning how to use the Audacity software to clean up the recordings from the field. As in photo editing, this can be overdone. Please let me know if you find any ID mistakes. One of the goals of doing this is to get better at sound identification. Hope to add more later this month, even maybe some recordings of birds of Japan, where we are headed in 12 days.

Brown-headed and White-breasted Nuthatch
01/14/17 – Rollingview SRA, Durham, NC This is my very first recording, edit and posting. This is a good example of over-processing. I will probably pull it as soon as I have something better for these two birds.
Yellow-throated Warbler
04/05/17 – Lake Mattamuskeet NWR
04/10/17 Rollingview SRA
Clapper Rail – this guys are tough for me. Please let me know in the comments section what you think.
04/04/17 – Bodie Island Lighthouse At dusk, near the gate to the sound-side road. I wonder if there is also a Northern Cricket frog in the mix.
The following is a recording from ARNWR. As we birders sometimes do, I tried to make it something it is not, a rail. Listen to this Northern Cricket Frog.
Pine Warbler
04/05/17 – Lake Mattamuskeet NWR
04/08/2017 – Wilkerson Nature Preserve
Northern Parula
Black-throated Green Warbler
04/05/17 – Alligator River NWR You might need to turn the volume up on this recording.
Common Yellowthroat
Tufted Titmouse
04/08/17 – Wilkerson Nature Preserve, Raleigh, N.C.
Two and Three syllables
Six syllables
Brown-headed Cowbird
04/08/2017 – Wilkerson Nature Preserve
Carolina Wren
04/08/2017 – Wilkerson Nature Preserve, Raleigh, N.C.
White-throated Sparrow
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Chipping Sparrow
American Crow
Mobbing behavior
Rough-winged Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Canada Goose
Carolina Chickadee
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Sandy Creek Park, Durham, NC
White-eyed Vireo
Northern Mockingbird
Fish Crow
Red-eyed Video
Hairy Woodpecker
Prothonotary Warbler