Hermit Thrush at Brickhouse Road last February.
Springtime. Birds coming and going. Brian coming and going, but not birding very much. It is always a struggle to get out in March and April because of school activities. But, I have snuck out a few times the past few days. We have a Screech owl in the front yard and I hope to search for a nest soon. Whip-poor-wills have been around for a few weeks. Today down the nearby power line I scored FOY Indigo Bunting, Blue Grosbeak and Summer Tanager. The Louisiana Waterthrush has been singing out back for about a week, and Sheree’ had American Redstarts in the yard today. Winter birds are getting scarce. I did not see or hear White-throated sparrows, Juncos or Kinglets today, but some Yellow-rumped Warblers are still around, singing up in the trees. Looking forward to the Spring Bird count Sunday.
Here is my 2014 list for Durham County, as of April 24. 66 species.
Wood Duck | Ruby-crowned Kinglet | ||||
Wild Turkey | Eastern Bluebird | ||||
Double-crested Cormorant | Hermit Thrush | ||||
Green Heron | American Robin | ||||
Turkey Vulture | Brown Thrasher | ||||
Red-shouldered Hawk | Northern Mockingbird | ||||
Red-tailed Hawk | European Starling | ||||
American Woodcock | Ovenbird | ||||
Ring-billed Gull | Louisiana Waterthrush | ||||
Mourning Dove | Black-and-white Warbler | ||||
Eastern Screech-Owl | Common Yellowthroat | ||||
Great Horned Owl | Hooded Warbler | ||||
Eastern Whip-poor-will | Northern Parula | ||||
Chimney Swift | Pine Warbler | ||||
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Yellow-rumped Warbler | ||||
Red-bellied Woodpecker | Prairie Warbler | ||||
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Eastern Towhee | ||||
Downy Woodpecker | Chipping Sparrow | ||||
Hairy Woodpecker | Song Sparrow | ||||
Northern Flicker | White-throated Sparrow | ||||
Pileated Woodpecker | Dark-eyed Junco | ||||
Eastern Phoebe | Summer Tanager | ||||
Great Crested Flycatcher | Northern Cardinal | ||||
White-eyed Vireo | Blue Grosbeak | ||||
Red-eyed Vireo | Indigo Bunting | ||||
Blue Jay | Red-winged Blackbird | ||||
American Crow | Eastern Meadowlark | ||||
Northern Rough-winged Swallow | Common Grackle | ||||
Carolina Chickadee | Brown-headed Cowbird | ||||
Tufted Titmouse | House Finch | ||||
White-breasted Nuthatch | American Goldfinch | ||||
Brown-headed Nuthatch | House Sparrow | ||||
Carolina Wren | |||||
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher |
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