Birding Marquette – The First Week

Caspian Tern

Learning the Hotspots

Well, I made it UP!  In the heart of the Upper Penninsula of Michigan, now it’s time to immerse my southern-ness into the hotspots of Marquette, that is birding hotspots, of course. Even without a truckload of stuff to unload there has been so much to do settling into the house, so, I was sort of glad the birds had not arrived in the UP yet.  In week one I made it to the following hot spot locations –

Presque Isle Bog Walk

Presque Isle Park

Founders Landing

Little Presque Isle Bird Trail

Echo Lake Nature Preserve

Au Train Beach

Lake LeVassuer

I identified 57 species, including recent arrivals – Ovenbird, Palm Warbler and Yellow-rumped Warbler(Myrtle). It is hard to choose a favorite spot, but I see great potential in Lake LeVassuer and loved walking the Presque Isle Park trail. Just got a message there is a Piping Plover on the beach. Time to run. Loving life in the UP!

Song Sparrow

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Palm Warbler

Here is a link to my Michigan eBird profile.

You can see all the lists I made my first week in Marquette. 

Swamp Sparrow

Canada Goose - fluffing the nest

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