The goal of Wild Places, Wild Birds is to present birding to birders and non-birders alike. There are hundreds of “birding” organizations, birding websites, and birding blogs. The goal at WPWB is to present the art of birding, especially to beginners, in a manner that does not overwhelm them, that does not make them feel minimized, and, that will excite their inner bird to get out, get birding, and get involved. Many expert birders, in my experience, lose connection with beginners. Most have good intentions but perhaps are too wrapped up in the finer points of birding to be able to relate to beginners. Even I forget how exciting it is to see, hear and identify the first Catbird, Tanager, or Hooded Merganser. Experienced birders need to consider how they interact with other, less skilled birders, and the general public. Beginning birders, too, have a responsibility to study up on birding ethics and common courtesies. Hopefully, Wild Places, Wild Birds will help make accessible the information needed to make birding enjoyable for all, for the ultimate benefit of birds and the environment.