2012 Spring Break – Wilmington, NC to Charleston, SC

Hi all, 

Sheree and I took off Saturday, April 1 for a six-day spring break trip. Sheree drove the Outback and I drove ye ol pick-up, pinball machine riding in the back.  A very nice day except for the pouring rain on the way down from Durham. We spent a nice afternoon with Corey and Joanna, delivering the pinball machine and truck to their new house, and later we went out for yummy fondue in downtown Wilmington We spent the night at the Inn at Wilmington. We left Riley at home at a kennel and took Cierra with us, but also kenneled her in Georgetown and Charleston SC.

Sunday, April 2 –   We drove south toward Myrtle Beach, SC, making a few stops along the way and eventually arriving at Myrtle Beach State Park. We camped for two nights. It was crowded but fairly quiet, except for the occasional jet (campsite at end of runway!) This was my first experience using a CPAP machine in a tent. Best tent sleep in years. Great weather. (Actually, a little too hot Monday(88))

Monday and Tuesday – Highlights of this area were Brookgreen Gardens and Huntington Beach State Park. We had wanted to camp at Huntington Beach but we(I) waited too long to make reservations. Brookgreen Gardens was a wonderful surprise we enjoyed for two days. Check out the slideshow for many more pictures. 

Brookgreen Gardens Gallery – click on any picture to begin slideshow

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After staying two nights, we headed to Georgetown SC and the Mansfield Plantation.  If you are familiar with the movie “The Patriot” with Mel Gibson, many key parts were filmed here. Very unique B&B. We took a nice bike ride and some short hikes.  

, a 1718In 500 acre plot of land was granted to a family on the outskirts of the bustling new village of Georgetown, South Carolina. Construction began on the main house fifty years later, and soon after, Mansfield Plantation blossomed into one of the largest rice plantations in South Carolina.Today, Mansfield Plantation covers nearly 1,000 acres and is recognized as “one of the most architecturally intact rice plantation in South Carolina.” It is a member of the National Register of Historic Places and is now owned and operated by the descendent of the original Parker family owners, John Rutledge Parker, and his wife, Sallie Middleton, Jr


Next, off to Charleston SC and the 1837 B&B. In Charleston, we walked, ate dinner, took a ghost tour and rode rickshaws.  Just before the ghost tour was to begin a rather serious thunderstorm delayed our departure, which required sitting in a quaint little pub until skies (almost) cleared.  Great atmosphere for a ghost tour. 

On Thursday we met Sheree’s brother, Scott, from Clemson, SC, and birded a few natural areas. Really awesome. 

And last but not least, Riley tells his story – "Kennel Hell"! 

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