I began recording and editing bird sounds in early 2017 and I am just beginning to get the hang of when and when not to edit, how to edit, and improving the data included with each recording. I am using a Tascam DR-05 to record and AUDACITY software for editing. As I collect improved samples I will replace some of the poorer recordings and a few that include my voice. Unless otherwise noted, all recordings were made in North Carolina.
UPDATE (3/21/19) – Soon I will be traveling to Michigan and spending most of the year there. I plan to begin recording Michigan birds and setting up side-by-side comparisons wherever I am able. Should be fun. BIRD ON!
Nothing fancy, very portable and inexpensive.
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The recordings are organized taxonomically, with some merging of groups that I do not have many files for. Recording locations, hotspots mostly, are included with all but the oldest files. Time of day and environmental conditions hopefully will be added moving forward. There are some files that are posted temporarily until I collect a better sample. Playback has not been used unless otherwise noted.
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